To make a donation via credit or debit card on PayPal (you don't need a PayPal account to use this):
Click Here

Or you can also mail a check payable to the Grand Theater, to the theater at, 121 South 4th Street, Steubenville Ohio, 43952


This site is being updated to provide a chronological history of the restoration, see the Restoration & Updates tab.

As of November 2023, we have received a POWERS Grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission of 1.5 million, another Grant funded by a $500,000 grant funded in part by the Save America’s Treasures grant program, through the Historic Preservation Fund, as administered by the National Park Service, Department of Interior. and $300,000 from the State of Ohio Capital Bill Grant to work on the interior of the Theater. As of November 2024 contracts have been awarded for this project and construction should be starting soon. 


Upcoming Events: 

Christmas Parade Day open house in the Organ Workshop on December 7, 2024, 11-2.  Theater and lobby are closed for construction.


Grand Theater Wurlitzer Restoration



Volunteer Restoration of the Grand Theatre Wurlitzer Opus 955 installed 12/1/1924

Hope-Jones Unit Orchestra

Completed for our 100th anniversary!

Directed by Master Organ Builder:

Joseph E Humpe

Overall Coordinator

Scott M Dressel

These three volunteers worked 9 years and over 1000 hours each to complete it:

Tom Dear

Linda Hilty

Brian Wilson

Kevin Friend and Tracy Friend Carpenter, who donated the Wurlitzer back to the theatre,

in memory of their Father and Mother Elmer and Audrey Friend,

who saved the organ from ruination:



Volunteers who helped complete the restoration of the Pipe Organ:

Daniel Carroll

Tom Dear

Jonathan Langham

Derek Martin & Shilee Martin

Howard Moore

Gabe Nelson

Mark Nelson

Linda Hilty & Millie Porreca

Howard Ramsey

Brodie Stutzman

Bill & Barbara Sweeney

Ed Thomas

Jeffrey & Rebecca Wargo

Tami & Brian Wilson


Donors to the organ restoration include:

Michelle and Nadiya Albrecht

Margaret Archangel

William and Barbara Sweeney in Memory of Dorothy "Dottie" Birch

Judith Bratten

Joanne & Russell Campbell

Francesca Carinci In loving memory of Mary Carinci

Jim & Cheryl Chapman

David E & Sally D'Anniballe

Karen D'Anniballe

Dayton Power and Light (DP&L) wire to connect the console to the organ

Vicki Deleonardis

Gerald Diloreto

The Dikec Family

Joe Donahue

George and Beth Downes Jr.

Joseph and Audrey Dressel

Scott M Dressel

John and Susan Fella

Patricia and Lawrence Fletcher

Franciscan University of Steubenville

Stanley Gaston

Carolyn and Jody Glaub

Jerry E Green

Paula & Joseph Greer

Donna Hrezo in honor of Andrew & Harriet Hrezo's 53rd Anniversary

Huntington Theater Organ Project Inc. Robert Edmunds a set of Kinura Pipes we were missing!

Alan and Barbara Hall

Lucy E Hall

Ed and Sue Hershey

Carol Sylee Holton

Leslie Iccus Legal Hair and Day Spa

Linda and Roger Hilty in Memory of Millie Porreca

James Hyndman

Keith Jackson in memory of Mary Carinci

Ann Marie and Tom Lapkowicz

Lalle Burkhardt In Memory of her mother Shirley Lewis

Malvin Lilly

Richard Little

Rick and Maureen Gillespie Lovell

Dennis Madama

Mary and Vince McGinn

Ohio Valley Music Guild

Derek Martin

John & Theresa Metcalf

Richard Miller

Lisa Icuss In Memory of Geno Morelli

Anthony Mougianis Mougianis Enterprises Inc

Rosemary Murphy

Eleanor Naylor, Barium & Chemicals, Inc.

Nelson Fine Arts & Gifts

Janet Neiderhuber and Lori Anne Meyers

Questers De He Wa Mis

Vance Posey

Jan Glaub Rainbolt

John Vernon Rainbolt II

Susan Rebich

Robert Recchie

Robert Sadowski

Ed & Madeline Stanislaw

Steubenville Plate Glass

John and Sara Stutzman

William and Barbara Sweeney

Ken Perkins Tri-State Financial Services

Valley Converting Company Inc.

Camille and John McConnaughy in Memory of her father Henry Waggoner

Linda Wells

Jayne Wilson

Andrea and Justin Wolfe in memory of Millie Porreca

Women's Club of Mingo Junction




Several of these folks have donated multiple times.  Thanks!

The Grand Theater is owned by the Steubenville Historic Landmarks Foundation, essentially itself, no person owns the Grand

A non-profit corporation the Steubenville Historic Landmarks Foundation was formed that holds the deed, the non-profit is run by a board of volunteer directors, we have no paid staff so 100% of all donations go directly to the restoration.

The Grand Theater Restoration Project Steubenville Convention Center and Visitors Bureau, is run entirely by volunteers.   These volunteers are committed to creating a better future for everyone in Steubenville and the surrounding area as well as bringing the performing arts back to Historic Downtown Steubenville.  Everyone is welcome to join and become a "Friend of the Grand" and get involved in the project. 

Updates and events are posted on our Facebook page, Grand Theater for the Performing Arts Steubenville Ohio, become a fan to see updates as they happen and share your Grand Memories.

Our mission is to save, restore and promote historic downtown Steubenville so that we can all enjoy it's 200+ years of history. From its starting point at Historic Fort Steuben along the Ohio River, to the Mansions on North Fourth Street, shopping its historic storefronts downtown and dancing in the Grand Ballroom at the Fort Steuben Hotel (now apartments). Steubenville has an amazingly rich and diverse history. Everyone living in Steubenville or has ever lived or visited here should enjoy what we have today, and save it for our children to enjoy and have memories of as well.

We are also operating the Steubenville Convention Center and Visitors Bureau.  Once completed we will be able to host conventions for up to 800 people at the Ballroom and theater spaces.  Attracting visitors for events and entertainment from the tri-State area and further away.

Site last Updated November 2024.